Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Recipe

Since we seem to be talking about recipes lately, here's one I tried tonight and loved. I've had too much wine, so if you see a typo or three, that's wy. (thanks kethleen!)

Anyway, this turned out great, and easy. I worried about the rosemary (with shrimp?) and arugula (in general), but it was all good. Good, good, good. Chop up the rosemary really good and double the bean part of the recipe. yummmm.

1 comment:

Living the life in The Little City said...

Oh, arugula. Your household just has a thing about arugula-munching liberal elitists.

I've been in the mood for shrimp lately. Maybe I'll put that on the menu for next week.

The other recipe I'm considering for next week is Hungarian goulash.