Sunday, August 23, 2009


A friend of mine and I were lamenting the cobwebs hanging about our homes like so much spanish moss. She found some useful tips online, including recommendations for various chemicals. She also found this tip:

I'd like to add another suggestion. Increase your homeonowners insurance to the maximum policy. Also, stop watering several of the shrubs around your house so that they die. Then, late on a night of your choosing, call the police and tell them that you think there is an undientified arson outside your house. Then, while the police are en route go outside and light the shrubs on fire so that your house burns down. After the police arrive tell them that you saw a person running off down the street with a torch in their hand. The police will investigate but come up empty (because you made it up) but you now have an alibi so you can claim full damages to your insurance company. Then have a brand new house built that looks excatly like the old one, but without spider webs. Problem solved.



Living the life in The Little City said...

I didn't realize how devious you are!

Kathy said...

I'm not proud of it. This solution would solve several issues for me, not the least of which is the cobwebs. Just kidding. . .