Friday, September 19, 2008

More on Light Switches

In a previous post I mentioned having to buy light switches for the hall upstairs and down. I mentioned that I was heading to Home Depot the other day to get them and Russ asked if I knew what I was going to get. I looked at him and said, "white?" Apparently I didn't know that I need to get something called "three-way" because that's what we have that let's us turn the same lights on and off from upstairs and down. Who knew? Anyway, he also thinks we should get brown switches because they'll look better with the lacquered brass switch plates. Why do we have to disagree about EVERYTHING? Whatever. He said he'd take care of the switches, which is nice.


Living the life in The Little City said...

Yes, three way switches. Our builder neglected to put a three way for our our main stairs so we don't have a way to turn off the hall lights upstairs when we are downstairs. It is stupid.

Can't he give up on those lacquered brass switchplates?

Kathy said...

He'll give up on lacquered brass right after he picks up your three-way switches from Home Depot for you.

Living the life in The Little City said...

I want him to get those push button sorts of switches. In tarnished brass.

Living the life in The Little City said...

I spoke too soon. When John got home tonight, he was able to control the lights upstairs from downstairs. Yay. It's nice that that has been changed.